Party: Das GSG6 Jahresfest mit Ian F.

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Das GSG6 Jahresfest mit Ian F.

Club: Volksgarten

Upcoming: 10
Date: 29.07.2017 23:00
Address: Burgring, Innere Stadt, Austria | show on the map »

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Party: Das GSG6 Jahresfest mit Ian F.

We are celebrating our first birthday and we would love to do it together with you!


♫ CLUB ♫

Ian F. | Colours in Music I Next AM I SLOVENIA

Maximilian Grün | Sunday Mornings I GSG6

Maximilian Foit | Sunday Mornings | Schlaflos | GSG6

♫ IN DER GABI ♫ (House, RnB, 80´s, 90´s)


DJ SKILLZ I Club X I Pratersauna

Long nights, never ending mornings... isn't it that what we are created for? At our events we want to celebrate what makes us happy: Music we love. Friends we can't live without. Souls, that can be as free as anywhere else.
We enchant VOLKSGARTEN into our special wonderland "livingroom", full of sweet temptations, beats and a lot of love.

V E R Y special decoration

Come early and join our livingroom!

If you attend the event and leave a comment with #GSG6, you are automatically on our guestlist and get reduced entry until 01:00 !

23:00 > 8 Euro (+ FB Zusage) < 01 .00 > 14 Euro

GSG6 I party I GSG6 I quality I GSG6 I music I GSG6 I dolls I GSG6 I livingroom I GSG6 I sunrise I GSG6 I sunset I GSG6 I wonderland I GSG6 I family I GSG6 I vinyl I GSG6 I dancing I GSG6 I home I GSG6 I fairys I GSG6 I masquerade I GSG6 I tschingeling I GSG6 I love I GSG6 I weirdness I GSG6 I temptation I GSG6 I friendship I GSG6 I shots I GSG6
