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Club: The Plush Lounge

Upcoming: 113
Date: 21.02.2015 22:00
Address: 27 Park End Street, Oxford, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ PLUSH'S 5TH BIRTHDAY BASH ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

It's hard to believe, but yes: this Saturday Plush turns 5!

Over the past half-decade, you, our always-loyal Plushettes, have supported us to the ends of the earth. It is you who have filled the club night after night, adding your own voices to the resounding "thump-a, thump-a" that has grown louder through the years and which now carries far down Park End Street and through Oxford itself. It is an institution; it is Plush.

It is you who, through your continued patronage, have invested in Plush to such a degree that we can now proudly say that no floor, no wall, and no room of *your* club remains as it was five years ago: each have been revamped, renovated, and rejuvenated. Every surface is improved -- more shiny, more sparkly, more functional, and better suited for your enjoyment.

It is your weekend home, and we wanted to give back. And you, not us, have made it all possible.

And so, this Saturday we want to see you. We want to thank you. We want to party with you.

This is your birthday as much as ours. So come and celebrate. Come and celebrate Plush. Come and celebrate you. Just...come and celebrate.

Here's to the last 5 years...and the next 50.

Here's to you.

And, remember: Plush Loves You.

♥ Really, we do. ♥

Invited: Andy Garlick, Chris Witchell, Sam Brandon, Stephen Wadey, Andrew Lamb, Hazel 'Hizzle' Mulvana, Chloe Philo, Jay Grant, Jamie Gannon, Dale Melita, Nick Clarke-romeo, Gary Gibson, Kader Benadel, James Lowe, Gareth Cumming, Alan James Luste, Dean Montague, Alex Smith, Callum O'Connor, Kae Smith, Kayleigh Denham show more »
