Party: ANZAC Day 2017

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ANZAC Day 2017

Club: Hornsby RSL Club

Upcoming: 0
Date: 25.04.2017 04:30
Address: 4 High Street, Hornsby, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: ANZAC Day 2017

Tuesday 25th April 2017
Join us as we commermorate and remember a century of service and sacrifice.
4.30 AM | Assemble at front of Club for Dawn Service
4.50 AM | March
5.00 AM | Dawn Service
5.30 AM | Breakfast in Showroom (ticketed event)
6.00 AM | Official speeches in Showroom
8.30 AM | Club Closes
9.30 AM | Club Re-Opens
11.00 AM | The Courtyard Opens
11.30 AM | Talent Quest in Showroom
11.30 AM | Level One Opens
2.00 PM | Two-Up in Showroom
6.00 PM | Hornsby RSL Pipe Band
Important Notice - All current DEFENCE FORCE PERSONNEL, EX-SERVICE MEN and WOMEN must wear uniform, medals, or present suitable ID to be eligible for 50% discount in The Courtyard (Lunch or Dinner).

$5 ANZAC Day Breakfast
Available to all Club Members. Purchase ticket through Club reception prior to 25th April. Tickets on sale Friday 24th February 2017.
All proceeds donated to: RSL LifeCare 'Homelessness Vets Program' (Homes for Heros)

In 2016, over $1,100 was raised and donated to Prostate Cancer Research. This year, all proceeds from Two-Up are being donated to Breast Cancer Research.

ANZAC Day Talent Quest
11.30 AM start in The Showroom! Do you have what it takes? Register your act before 5pm on Wednesday 19th April for your chance to win!
1st Prize | $1,000
2nd Prize | $300
3rd Prize | $200
Plus a special audience choice award!
Download your entry form / terms and conditions at