Party: Full Metal Night presents: Death vs. Thrash II
Main page > Hexenhaus Ulm > Full Metal Night presents: Death vs. Thrash II
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Date: 21.01.2017 20:30
Address: Mähringerweg 75, Ulm, Germany | show on the map »
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Death Metal - München
Death, Groove und definitiv immer zu wenig Platz auf der Bühne. Münchens Death Metal Fünfer COMBUSTION bespielt seit 2009 den Underground mit wachsender Anhängerschaft. Der konstante Output der Band kommt nicht von irgendwoher. Fünf Headbanger die nicht jedermanns Sache sind aber an ihre Musik glauben und ohne Kompromiss durchziehen was ihnen wichtig ist. Für Videos, Musik und Reviews checkt:
Thrash Metal - Schnaitsee
BATTLECREEK is an "old school" Thrash Metal Band from Bavaria / Germany. Founded in 2004, they constantly refined their music and developed a high grade of technical skills.
With their 2008 recorded Demo "Demolition" they already established themselves in the european Metal Scene and reached the German Finals of the WACKEN Metal Battle in 2009. The 2011 released debut album "Wake the Plague" earned a lot of good reviews in Metal Magazines like "Legacy" and "Rock Hard", and could at least achieve the highly coveted title "Demo of the month" in the german "METAL HAMMER". Since the last 10 Years theyplayed a lot of Shows with well-known Artists like EXODUS, GAMA BOMB, TANKARD, GRAVE DIGGER, CANNIBAL CORPSE and many others.
In 2015 they released their New Album “HATE INJECTION”.
BATTLECREEK can satisfy with a high range of elements from all over the "Good old Thrash" universe. With their explosive mixture of stunning highspeed riffs, melodic leadlines, mind-blowing vocals and hammering drums BATTLECREEK will beat your ass back in the 1980´s.
The Course Is Black
Melodic Death Metal / Death Metal / Deathcore - Rosenheim
Four friends came together to start a band with some heavy ass influences. Said and done – The Course is Black was formed. The way they are making and playing Melodic Death Metal, since early 2008, is what defines the band and makes them in some way outstanding.
In 2009 the Course had been officially set with their demo EP “The Course is Set”, which is sounding evil and oldschoolish (in a positive way). Two years later “The Blackness Within”-EP was released, with neckbreaking blasts, catchy riffs and vocals, grinding right into your brain. This EP paved the way for many shows and even the first big festival: Extremefest in 2012.
Unfortunately vocalist Markus had to leave in 2013 for personal reasons, but TCIB didn’t want to stop. Patrick took his place in late 2013 bringing some modern influences to the band. A new era in 5 Years of “The Course is Black” was written.
After playing numerous shows they released a re-recorded version of their song “The Blackness Within” of the same titled EP as a single in 2016. Right now these guys are working on another EP which will be definitely the last one, before they start working on a full length album.
Be prepared. The Course is Black is like a fusion of Unearth and The Black Dahlia Murder with some influences of At the Gates and a slight touch of good old Bloodbath. If you like any of these bands listed here, you won’t stop gaping listening to their songs for the first time.
Thrash Metal - München
DISSORTED spielen melodischen Thrash Metal und verbinden pfeilschnelle Nackenbrecher a la Exodus und Testament mit traditioneller Kost wie Iced Earth und Megadeth, haben dabei jedoch immer ihre eigene Identität im Fokus.
Mit viel Action und Liebe zum Heavy Metal auf der Bühne haben sich Mirco (v), Florian (g), Sebastian (g), Dillon (b) und Martin (dr) mittlerweile durch mitreißende Konzerte in ganz Deutschland einen Ruf als durchschlagskräftige Live-Band erarbeitet. Die professionell produzierte EP "I" wurde im September 2014 veröffentlicht.
Im Jahr 2015 konnte die Band mit der CD im Gepäck europaweit auf diversen Bühnen auch live überzeugen.
Sa. 21.01.2017, ab 20:30 Uhr
Hexenhaus e.V.
Fort unterer Eselsberg
Mähringer Weg 75
89075 Ulm
10 Euro Abendkasse / 8 Euro ermäßigt