Party: Mtbers vs Roadies. The ultimate climbing challenge

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Mtbers vs Roadies. The ultimate climbing challenge

Club: The Riders Club

Upcoming: 7
Date: 23.07.2017 07:30
Address: 1429 Albany Highway, Cannington, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: Mtbers vs Roadies. The ultimate climbing challenge

Change of Date as it was clashing with the Kalamunda 50 MTB race.
Meet at the Coles carpark in Kalamunda at 7.30am and be ready to roll at 8am.
Both groups will head off on their chosen route to see how many climbing metres they can achieve in their 3 hour ride. The only rule is that you can only do any climb a max of twice. Ride where you like, as fast as you like in your Road or MTB group.
Each losing group member needs to buy one of the winning group members a beverage of their choice at the Kalamunda Hotel straight after where we can all stay and discuss the finer points of MTBing versus Road Riding while enjoying lunch and an extra drink or seven.
Please leave a comment below that you are coming and if you are in the raod or MTB group.
To get you in the mood for this event follow this link
