Party: Reutlingen, Germany Night
Main page > The Reading Liederkranz > Reutlingen, Germany Night
Upcoming: 1
Date: 06.07.2016 17:00
Address: 143 Spook Ln, Reading, United States | show on the map »
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Join us for this special evening as we welcome our friends from Reutlingen, Germany. The Biergarten, Dining Room and Outside Kitchen opens at 5:00 p.m. Meet our special guests from Germany, Petra Bannasch and The Honorable Mayor Robert Hahn of . At 7:00 p.m. enjoy music from an 11 piece Hohner Accordion and Harmonica band. This event is open to the public, sponsored by the Reading/Reutlingen Exchange Program. There is a $7.00 Free Will Offering for everyone attending to support the band expenses for this trip. Help us celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Reading/Reutlingen Exchange Program.