Party: Save Our Community Green Day

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Party: Save Our Community Green Day

The Save Our Community Green Committee invites those interested in saving Coorparoo's precious green space from another high-rise development to our Community Day, Sunday 19th November from 2 PM.

The proposed development will destroy the historic charm, green space and family-friendly community hub the Coorparoo Bowls Club offers to our suburb's increasingly densifying urban community.

The day will provide concerned community members with a chance to hear the latest developments from our committee, as well as to urge Brisbane City Council to disallow the destruction of our community green. Come enjoy live music, great food, and afternoon sun at one of the area’s last community spaces. You will also have a chance to chat with committee members Megan, AJ, Cassidy, Dick, Melissa, Steven and Hughie about how you can get involved in preserving such an integral part of our community’s social fabric.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

See you there!

The Save Our Community Green Committee