Party: Routesetting workshop with Rolands Rugens
Main page > Ronimisministeerium > Routesetting workshop with Rolands Rugens
Upcoming: 3
Date: 15.01.2017 10:00
Address: Tartu mnt 80 E, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Here comes a unique opportunity to learn routesetting from one of the best boulderers in the world! Rolands Rugens - 4th in 2016 IFSC worldcup competition in Innsbruk and 6th in Kazo - has agreed to share his route setting wisdom with us after he is done with the Tallin Open route master duties.
Rolands, who has during his 16 year climbing career and 11 years as the owner of a boudelring gym climbed and set countless routes, will at the beginning of the workshop go through the considerations he goes through when setting a new route. After the theory part each participants will be assigned a route with a certain grade, the route setting apprentice will choose the place for the route, describe the route idea and show the chosen holds to Rolands. After this Rolands points out possible flaws in the route idea or holds selection and gives tips on how to make the route even better. During the routesetting Rolands tours the gym to guide the apprentices in their work. The apprentice can during the workshop set as many routes as the time allows.
Once the routes are set, the group will go through the newly set routes and jointly analyse what is good/interesting and what could improve the route even further.
Participation fee: 15 €
Maximum number of participants: 15
Place is reserved once the participation fee is paid.
Payment can be made either at Ronimisministeerium or as a bank transfer to Ronimisministeerium's account EE262200221059400443, please write as the description "Routesetting workshop,
The small print:
- Ronimisministeerium gives priority to a) participants who are actively setting routes at Ronimisministeerium & b) routesetters active in Estonia. Decision on using this right is made latest 12.1. and those influenced by this are notified the same day.
- The workshop will be conducted in English.