Party: ★★ Yes We Can – Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh ★★

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★★ Yes We Can – Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh ★★

Club: Interstude

Upcoming: 1
Date: 10.11.2016 23:30
Address: 4441 St-Denis, Montreal, Canada | show on the map »

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Party: ★★ Yes We Can – Philadelphia, Washington, Pittsburgh ★★

The best bus trip from Montreal to Washington passing by Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in 3 DAYS! Oooooooooooohhhhhhhh YES WE CAN!!! Reasons why you can’t miss this trip:
– First of all, because “Yes you can” take this trip!
– Second: you might not get another chance to visit these 3 wonderful cities!
– Third: because this trip is an experience that might change your life!
– Fourth and not the least: you might get a chance to meet Barack Obama
– Fifth: because the trips t-shirt is really cool!
– Sixth: because you have no good reason to miss it!

Sales open September 13th at noon with a flash sale at 260$ and close November 4th at 17h00 if not sold out.
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