Party: Saša Matić

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Saša Matić

Club: Coloseum Club Casino

Upcoming: 140
Date: 17.02.2018 22:00
Address: Terezije bb, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina | show on the map »

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East Time 22:30 @ Underground Club

Party: Saša Matić

Već dvije decenije Saša Matić važi za jednog od najboljih pjevača u regiji, koji je taj imidž izgradio zahvaljujući svom velikom profesionalizmu, dobrim pjesmama i jedinstvenom glasu.

For two decades, Saša Matić has been one of the best singers in the region who built that image thanks to his great professionalism, harizmaticity, great songs and uique voice.

Ulaz / admission 20KM (5 KM gratis za igru u Casinu)
Rezervacija / konzumacija 50 KM