Party: "Oldis But Goldies" Dancing Party
Main page > AUB Alumni Jordan Chapter > "Oldis But Goldies" Dancing Party
Upcoming: 19
Date: 28.03.2014 21:00
Address: 8, Al Turrah Street, Abdoun , Amman, Jordan | show on the map »
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The AUB Alumni Club of Jordan is holding an “Oldies but Goldies” themed dancing party on Friday, March 28th at Villa 14, starting at 9pm.
You will be taken through a musical trip down memory lane. Get dressed in your favorite outfits from the 60's rock, 70's hippie, 80's punk and 90's pop.
Tickets are for JD 40, include food, open bar and gifts for the best costumes.
Come and bring your friends and family.
For more information and reservations please call the Club at 5934949 or 077 5934949